A4 lawyers have expertise in legal support of payment aggregators in Russia. The most actual and demanded services for payment aggregators are legal support in agreements with banks and non-banking credit institutions for engaging as a BPA (bank payment agent), drafting of the agreements with payers and merchants, Privacy and Cookie Policies in compliance with the current PSI DSS.
In collaboration with our foreign partners A4 lawyers provide legal services in obtaining financial licenses (EMI, PI), opening business accounts with banks, and the support in issuing of co-branded prepaid cards.
1. Successful obtaining an EMI license (Electronic money institution), which allows the company to provide payment services, issue electronic money and handling their circulation.
2. Drafting agreemnts and internal acts and procudeures for the company engaged in circulation of cryptocurrencies as part of the compliance and registration with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).
3. Supporting the activities of a payment aggregator company in Russia with the functions of a payment facilitator in Europe and Asia, developing AML/CTF Policies.