Mistakes in creating technical specifications for video

If the customer wants to get the video he wanted, he needs to be as specific and clear as possible about his requirements. Technical requirement is a way to convey these requests to the contractor. This article will discuss possible points for a technical task for creating a video that, although it is the result of a creative process, must meet the requirements.


Why draw up a technical requirement

The terms of technical requirement for the creation of video content are the main evidence in the event of a dispute between the customer and the contractor. If the customer is not satisfied with the finished result, he will refer to the non-compliance of the video with the terms of technical requirement. The contract will stipulate the obligation to perform the work (depending on the contract) in accordance with the technical conclusion, which will be an application. The court will also evaluate the criteria specified in the terms of reference (А40-238150 / 2017). The main mistake in compiling it is not to include any requirements for video content in the document. The video may not correspond to issues that the performer simply does not know about. Therefore, when choosing requirements, it is better to specify them as much as possible. There are several mandatory points.

Terms of technical requirement   


Typically, there are many steps involved in creating a video. Courts also pay attention to the presence of these stages and recognize the custom of business turnover, i.e., established practice (A40-163366 / 15). However, it is worth considering the specifics of the customer. For example, after what stages should there be an agreement with the customer, only the concept and the final version, or another scenario. Determining the stages is necessary so that each side knows each other's expectations.  

The target audience 

Determining the target audience can be one of the initial stages, if the customer does not specify it himself. This is usually the case for creating commercials.  


A mandatory question for discussion between the customer and the contractor. At the same time, the terms can be included both in the contract itself and in the terms of Terms of technical requirement. Creating a video is a complex process that includes many stages, from coming up with a concept and ending with making changes at the request of the customer. Therefore, it is better to establish timelines for the process as a whole and for each independent stage.

As a rule, a work contract is concluded for filming a video. For such a model, several terms are provided: initial, intermediate, final (Article 708 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the contractor does not proceed with the execution, then the customer can withdraw from the contract (Article 715 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).


  • Video size. This requirement is associated with the social networks on which it will be published. Even within the same network, there may be different sizes depending on the format. For example, posting "to the feed" or "stories" on Instagram;
  • The quality of the video, which greatly affects the final cost;
  • Format;
  • Manufacturing method: staged, reportage, animation;
  • Timing;
  • The presence of sound, wishes for music.

Customer information

The more the company tells about itself or its product, the easier it will be to convey the idea to the buyer. In this case, you can attach the information certificate about the company to the contract, on which the producer will rely. If this is not a just created company, it may already have old videos and an established style, slogans, characters, hashtags. It is also worth informing the contractor about this and, if you want to use them in the video, indicate in the terms of reference. As a criterion, you can use the continuity between the previous video and content and the one that will be created. Also, the technical opinion can include a requirement for the mandatory use of a trademark.  

Another important point is the ratio with competitors. Better to inform the video creator of the advantages and disadvantages of you and your competitors. The more factual information the performer has, the more likely it will meet the client's expectations.

Additional terms

There may be points about what to avoid in the video, for example, aggression, excessive humor, negativity. It may be easier for the customer to explain his wishes by referring to the videos that he likes.

Thus, the technical task is one of the factors in creating a good and necessary video for you. You cannot ignore the content of this document: the more specifically you state the requirements, the higher the likelihood of getting the desired result at the end of the process. In the event of a dispute, the video will be checked for compliance with the terms of reference.


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