How to protect a website from copying?


  1. How to protect a website from copying: an introduction
  2. Protecting the site from hacker attacks
  3. How does cloud protection work?

How to protect a website from copying: an introduction

Illegal copying of information is a problem faced by the site owner. Is it possible to avoid such a situation and how to do it? You can read more about this in our article.

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", the site is a collection of computer programs and other information. It is accessed via the Internet. Site identification is performed by domain name or network address.

Modern legislation allows you to protect the following components of the site from copying:

  • design;
  • content;
  • software;

These elements are subject to intellectual property rights. To protect them, the site owner should conclude an agreement on the transfer of exclusive rights to him. The agreement is concluded with the authors who developed and created the specified objects.

In some cases, securing the right of authorship requires additional measures, such as registration. For example, to protect a trademark, it must be registered with Rospatent. To protect the site design from copying, it can be patented as an industrial design. The same applies to software that is registered using source code. If a modification is created on its basis, that is, changes are made to the original data, this will mean the creation of a new object.

If in the future the owner of the site discovers that the objects of intellectual property belonging to him have been copied and used unlawfully, the violation must be documented. A notarial examination is carried out, based on the results of which a protocol is drawn up.

Next, you need to send a claim to the hosting company and the owner of the site, which illegally uses someone else's information. If this turned out to be not enough, the copyright holder can send a statement of claim to the court demanding the deletion of data from someone else's site. Also, the law allows for the possibility of collecting monetary compensation from the violator in favor of the copyright holder.

Protecting your site from hacker attacks

Cyberattacks are another major problem that needs to be addressed. The result of undesirable influence is theft of confidential information, the introduction of malicious code that will intercept the payment data of customers, and the temporary termination of the resource.

Any website is under threat, because it can be attacked with the aim of spreading viruses, sending spam, using computing resources for mining, or just for the sake of hooliganism. So don't assume that only competitors can order the attack.

Unfortunately, it is not difficult for your competitors or hooligans to organize a DDoS attack on a website. On the Internet, you can find ready-made hacker software and, for just a few dollars, arrange a cyberattack on a site for the sake of hooliganism. More serious attacks are organized using botnets and dedicated servers located in Russia and abroad. The site receives a large number of SSL requests, which disrupts its operation.

How does cloud protection work?

Few companies are ready to purchase expensive network equipment and hire traffic filtering specialists to create a protective infrastructure. This requires serious investments and constant investments for updating, because hacker software is constantly being improved. It literally costs the company millions of dollars to resolve these issues. This is why most organizations choose cloud protection. No need to purchase your own hardware and software, or hire qualified personnel. It is enough to sign an agreement with a specialized company and pay a monthly subscription fee under the agreement.  

Connecting a site to cloud protection provides several benefits at once. First of all, this is the optimization of the site by speeding up the delivery of content. The equipment filters traffic and thereby detects potential DDoS attacks. In the event of a cyberattack, the cloud platform does not allow unwanted traffic to the site, so that its operation will remain stable.

Another nuance is the connection of the protection complex to the leading Internet providers of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Thanks to this integration, the platform can repel even very strong attacks. For a small amount, which costs a subscription fee, the site owner can use modern high-tech protection.

These and other questions regarding the protection of sites from illegal copying of content and cyberattacks can be discussed with a lawyer at A4 Law Firm. We will show you the most effective option.


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